About Us
Welcome to Wildchild London, where every stitch tells a tale of passion, purpose, and a commitment to dressing the next generation of Wild Children! I'm Adam, the proud owner of Wildchild London, a brand born out of a desire to redefine children's fashion.
1. A Father's Vision. As a father of two energetic boys, Noah and Isaac, I want them to wear strong, well-made, fashionable clothes.
2. Sustainable Fashion. I believe in leaving a positive impact on the world, even in the wildwest of online! Wildchild revolves around affordable, well-made clothing with low carbon footprint.
3. Dressing Wildchildren. Wildchild clothes aren't just garments; they're a statement. I want kids to enjoy wearing our clothing, to feel cool and comfortable, breaking away from screen time to embrace the joy of being wild.
4. Ethical, Sustainable, and a Little Cheeky. We're not a big corporation; we're a small team with a big heart. Every sale is a connection, and it means the world to us.
5. Promoting Positivity. Wildchild isn't just a brand; it's a mindset. Our cheeky fox logo and the name Wildchild embody the spirit of creating a generation of Wild Children, free-spirited and full of joy.
6. Personal Dedication. Wildchild is not just a brand to me; it's a personal commitment. Every sale brings a smile to my face. Your satisfaction and joy are at the core of our mission, and if we fall short, we're dedicated to doing better.
Join us in creating a world of Wild Children, where every garment is a story waiting to be told. Thank you for being part of our journey. Please feel free to contact me directly by messaging adam@wildchildlondon.co.uk
With wild spirit,